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Benefit set for former New Hampton resident, Rachel Stone, on Aug. 26

    A benefit that will include a meal, silent auction and live auction will be held Aug. 26 to raise funds for the family of Rachel Stone, a 43-year-old former New Hampton resident who suffered an aortic aneurysm.    While she was in surgery, she also suffered a stroke.    Stone, 43, is the mother of two young children ages 6 and 8.    She currently lives in Waverly, where she works at the Waverly Health Center. To compound issues, her husband, Brian, has also suffered recent health issues and was unable to work for several months.    The Aug. 26 benefit will be held at the Waverly Area Veterans Post. Live music will be held from 4 to 6 p.m., a silent auction will run from 4 to 8 p.m., a meal will be served from 5 to 7 p.m., and the live auction begins at 7.    Freewill donations will be taken for the meal, and for those who can’t attend the benefit, checks made out to the “Rachel Stone Benefit” can be send to the Veridian Credit Union at any Iowa location.    Those who would like to donate auction items can do so by emailing

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