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Board votes to close Plainfield building

Lead Summary

In a roll call on Monday, the Nashua-Plainfield School Board voted by simple majority, 3-2, allowing passage of a motion to close the Plainfield attendance center. The split appeared to be over whether there was enough information to decide, with the two who voted no saying they sought more time for research.Plainfield Mayor Tom Geise, during additions to the agenda, requested an assurance the building would be sold to someone who would act responsibly in the interest of the community or potentially deeded to the city, a timeline for closure and a list of what property would remain such as athletic fields. Geise proposed investing in athletic facilities in Plainfield in order to “truly have facilities in both communities.”“What kind of footprint we leave is a concern that I have,” Superintendent Keith Turner said. “You would be very right about staying on our back about it… If we are going to leave a building it’s still our responsibility to take care of it.” — For more on this story, see the May 3 Nashua Reporter.

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