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COVID-19 vaccinations will follow the state’s guideline

Lead Summary

The calls have come in to Chickasaw County Public and Healthcare Services almost on a daily basis, and the callers all have the same question.
“When can I get vaccinated?”
And the honest answer, the department’s administrator says, is “we don’t know.”
So Lisa Welter reached out to the public through the media last week to try to explain what is a relatively complicated system when it comes to the distribution of the COVID-19 vaccination.
“I said it before, but I really want to remind people that me, my office, we don’t get to decide who gets the vaccine,” she said. “We have given vaccinations, but we have to follow the guidelines that are given to us.”
The process actually starts with the Centers for Disease Control, which gives the states recommendations for the distribution of the vaccine.
— For more on this story, see the Jan. 12 edition of the Tribune and the Jan. 14 Reporter

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