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EMC to budget for a new deputy

Lead Summary

The Chickasaw County Emergency Management Commission approved its proposed budget, including funds for a deputy director at 80 percent of the Emergency Management coordinator salary, and set a public hearing for its budget, as did the 911 Board.Both the Emergency Management Commission and the 911 Board budget independently of the Board of Supervisors.The 911 Board has a secretary, a position which has been vacant several months, which started at less than $13 an hour on the union pay scale.Previous Emergency Management Coordinator Austen Seely, who left his position last October, recommended hiring a deputy coordinator to replace the vacant secretarial position and drafted a job description in the $17 hourly range.“I feel that’s fair,” Emergency Management Coordinator Jeff Bernatz said.“The idea is, forget  the secretary, do a deputy EMA coordinator which does not follow the union,” Bernatz said. “I put them in at [up to] 80 percent of my salary. They would be done at 40 hours so as not to get into overtime. They would be doing basically the same thing as I do; I would be the primary.”The deputy coordinator could not do any work that qualifies as clerical...— For more on this story, see the Jan. 18 New Hampton Tribune.

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