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Floodwaters recede; search for missing man continues

Lead Summary
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Law enforcement officers and rescue personnel continued their search for a missing man about two miles south of Protivin on Wednesday morning after his car was washed off a road after a night of heavy rainfall that left many parts of Chickasaw County dealing with floodwaters.Chickasaw County Emergency Management Director Ken Rasing confirmed that authorities were searching for the man, who was believed to be on his way to work around 4:30 a.m. Wednesday.Authorities said they had found the car but have yet to locate the driver.The search came after Chickasaw County, espeically the northern half, was inundated by a "train" of thunderstorms that began around 6:30 p.m. Tuesday and continued until about 3:30 a.m. Wednesday.According to the National Weather Service, New Hampton received 3.71 inches, but residents near Jerico, Saude and Protivin reported rainfall totals between 6 and 7 inches.That led to the rapid rising of creeks and numerous roads were closed Wednesday morning. Area school districts, including New Hampton and Turkey Valley, cancelled classes Wednesday.In New Hampton Tuesday night, several streets — including East Main Street, East Prospect Street, North Foley Avenue and North Pleasant Hill Avenue — were closed because of flooding, but rainfall in the city stopped around 11 p.m.The northern portion of hte county wasn't so lucky as rain fell north of Jerico until about 3:30 a.m.— For more on this story, see the Aug. 26 tribune

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