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Extension office to offer ‘Holiday Havoc’ class

Lead Summary

Dropping temperatures and falling leaves give way to holiday music and crowded stores. For many, November and December are months of stress and overspending.The Chickasaw ISU Extension and Outreach office will be offering a free workshop title Holiday Havoc: Maintaining Your Wits (and Your Budget) on Wednesday, Nov. 16 from 6-8 p.m.During the Holiday Season. Participants in the 2-hour workshop will have opportunities to explore how stress impacts their life and the long term impacts of that stress, learn strategies to manage stress more effectively, and identify ways they can avoid holiday overspending.Human specialists with ISU Extension and Outreach will lead the interactive and informative evening.Pre-registration by Friday, Nov. 11 is required. To register, or to learn more, contact the Chickasaw ISU Extension and Outreach office at 641-394-2174.According to the American Psychological Association, stress for men during the holidays increases by 31 percent and for women 41 percent.Research suggests that increased stress and the often unhealthy ways we deal with stress are some of the biggest contributors to problems like obesity, heart disease, and diabetes.A recent Harris Poll found that 40 percent of Americans felt pressure to spend more than they could afford during the holidays, and for parents with children under the age of 18 that percentage jumps to 58 percent!This pressure can leave a hang-over of credit card debt going into the new year that is often unwelcomed.A few simple tips, strategies, and a little planning, however, can have positive impacts on how we experience the upcoming holiday season.

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