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As installation of new playground nears, school will take bids on old equipment

Lead Summary

Nashua-Plainfield Elementary School will soon have a new playground, but before it does, it must get rid of its old one.So that means if you want something like a yellow slide, a large arch, monkey bars or a small climbing wall, all you need to do is submit a bid to the Nashua-Plainfield district by noon on Monday, April 22, and hope you’re a winner.“When people found out we were getting a new playground, they started calling, ‘Hey, I’d love this and that,’ but because we’re a public [entity], we can’t just pick and choose who we’re going to give it to,” Nashua-Plainfield Elementary Principal Michelle Arneson said. “We’ve had day cares, the city, all kinds of people asking for stuff, and that means we really need to have some kind of bidding process.”— For more on this story, see the April 11 Nashua Reporter.

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