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It's that Fair time of the year

Lead Summary

Jaclyn Tweeten admits that she’s feeling a tad bit of nervousness, which is understandable.
The 2017 Chickasaw County 4-H and FFA Achievement Show, after all, is her first “full fair” as the local ISU Extension youth coordinator.
“I want it to go well,” Tweeten said, “mostly for the kids who put so much time and effort into their projects. Plus, this is a pretty big year for the fair.” By this time next week, the Big Four Fairgrounds are going to be hopping.
While the fair, which kicks off its eight-day run at the Big Four Fairgrounds in Nashua on Monday, is always a highlight of the summer, this year’s is even more notable as Chickasaw County’s ISU Extension Office is celebrating its 100th anniversary. 
And fair officials have plenty of “extras” to the event that usually includes 4-H and FFA members from across Chickasaw County will be exhibiting horses, dairy cattle, sheep, dogs, beef cattle, meat goats, poultry, rabbits and their pets. 
Those extras include face painting, water fun, Ag-lympics, a rooster and hog calling contest, horseshoe and bean bag tournaments, a celebrity beef showmanship class and a canvas painting session. 
— For more on the Chickasaw County 4-H and FFA Achievement Show, see the July 6 Reporter and July 7 Tribune

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