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Librarians make pitches to the county

Lead Summary

The many libraries in the county take care of the residents through books, movies and programs as well as technology.To do so, however, they rely on the funding they can find and had their yearly meeting with the Chickasaw County Board of Supervisors on Monday to request a 6 percent increase in the funding given by the county.New Hampton Public Library Director Carrie Becker introduced herself to the Board of Supervisors since she is the newest director and told the board what the library has done with the funding in the last year.“We have upgraded our older computers,” said Becker.She said the library has the fastest internet speed in town after having upgraded their speed and bandwidth. This helped the library patrons be able to use the library for college classes and other online resources.“It provides a level playing field for all,” said Becker.Plans for this year’s funding includes having money for programming at the library. She said the library currently has no money set for programming and hopes to be able to bring in authors, performers, speakers and artists.For the complete story see the 1/27/2017 New Hampton Tribune.

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