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Nashua Library to offer unique program Sept. 22

Lead Summary

Tom Milligan, a seasoned theater actor in Iowa, will portray the Sioux Cityan who became one of the nation’s most respected political cartoonists and most deeply committed conservationists, Jay Norwood “Ding” Darling and answer questions as Darling would have.The performance by Milligan is scheduled Saturday, Sept. 22, from 10:30 to 11:30 a.m. at the Nashua Public Library, 220 Brasher St. Thanks to a grant from Humanities Iowa, this program is free and open to all ages.Darling began his career with the Des Moines Register and Leader as a cartoonist in 1906. He was honored with the Pulitzer Prize twice, in the 1920s and ’40s.By 1917, Darling was syndicated across the country through the New York Herald Tribune, his cartoons eventually appearing in 130 dailies, states a bio from the Fish and Wildlife Service. — For more on this story, see the Sept. 13 Nashua Reporter.

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