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Nashua will employ city administrator

Lead Summary

Nashua will become the second city in Chickasaw County to employ a city administrator, thanks to a decision by the City Council Monday night.Council member Kyle Lane reported he has looked into other cities that do have an administrator and said an administrator would run day-to-day operations for the city and make recommendations to the council and mayor.The Council is hoping to be more efficient in the long run by adding this position. One example would be the city employees’ health insurance, and council members said if they would have been able to do more research, which an administrator will be able to do, they would have been able to save money for the city.The issue, they say, is running a more efficient city with council members and a mayor, who also work full-time jobs.The salary for this new position would range from $60,000 to $65,000 a year.Although some have expressed concerns about the cost of creating the position, council members said they believe the growth potential of the city is worth the investment.Another issue was where this new employee will work since City Hall currently does not have the room for another person. The council said it will be discussing this issue while taking applications.For the complete story see the 3/9/2017 Nashua Reporter.

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