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Rendezvous fest allows all to take a trip back in time

Lead Summary

Stepping back in time is what many did this weekend at Old Bradford Pioneer Village Museum through the rain, humid and cooler weather. Rendezvous participants set up their tents, dressed the part and lived like the would have in the 1600s. There was a fur trader to barter with and anyone could learn how to throw a hatchet along with many other activities throughout the weekend. Visitors also toured the village while enjoying the Old Bradford Rendezvous.Nashua-Plainfield high school student Tyler Anderson taught many how to throw a hatchet. Anderson and his family have been to many Rendezvous festivals and have learned how to throw hatchets and even competed in many contests. Anderson’s father, Jeremy is now number six in the state of Iowa overall and he has placed first and second many times at different contests in the area. The contests are always fun and creative like throwing under handed, over handed, while holding a gun and splitting playing cards also are just some of the unique things they have done as a family. Children 15 and under compete in their category while 16 year olds and over compete in the adult category which consist of men and women competing against each other.For the complete story see the 8/25/2016 Nashua Reporter.

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