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Students collect coins for hurricane relief

Lead Summary

For the first time in 166 years of weather records, two Atlantic Category 4 hurricanes made landfall in the United States in the same year.Harvey and Irma left destruction and chaos in their path but when the winds calmed down and the water receded, the people came together to help. Like Americans have done in the past and will continue to do. People gave. Many, many people gave. To the Nashua-Plainfield Intermediate School, the decision to help was a given.Teachers and students in the Nashua-Plainfield school had relatives and friends in Texas and Florida. They knew they wanted to help.So began the “coin drive.”Shelley Lehman, a fifth grade teacher, said the decided on a coin drive because it would be easier than a fundraiser. 
For more on this article, see Thursday's Nashua Reporter

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